20 July 2009

**** The Sequel

Oh! The excruciating pain!
Damn! The streak of bad luck continues....Sigh....
1st, I got a blister on my left ankle, didn't think much of it then. Subsequently, I got another one, on my right ankle, on the exact same spot!

Today......while fooling around in the bio' lab, I unintentionally stumbled into a couple of retort stands left lying around on the floor. The retort stands "emerged" from this encounter unscathed (of course they emerged unscathed! As if I could cause damage retort stands, other than bashing or hurling them around) but I, the unlucky one came out with a pretty deep gash on my leg (Picture's pretty graphic but i'm gonna upload it anyway, keep your eyes peeled for the link. On second thought, scratch that).
Approximate dimensions: Width=4mm, Length=2cm Depth=The underlying flesh could be seen before blood came gushing out.
Come to think (and look, lol) of it, it ain't that bad, after all, I tend to exaggerate. I've lived through worse, but this event, in itself serves as a testament to this "indefatigable" bad luck that I'm being plagued by....Sigh....
Wish me luck....good luck that is....


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