^ This pic looks so dang cool, especially the effects, they just leave me drooling
Darn, i've got no time to do this today, I'll be sure to complete this post tomorrow.....
Edit: (Tuesday) Damnit, procrastinating again, too damn much add. math homework this time, but I SWEAR that this post will be completed by tomorrow :D
Anyway, I'll leave you peeps with the trailer as compensation ;D
Ok, so where was I???? Ah yes!!!!
Piracy is a crime, buying pirated discs from pirates is an even graver crime.
But downloading movies isn't :D Why???? you ask...... Well, when you download movies online, free of course, you aren't supporting the pirates who burn countless copies of hmmmm, argh, anything "flammable" into discs and sell them to the public, making loads of money in the process. We, the downloaders, have no intent to make money out of the movies we download, we just wanna watch them in peace. "BURN IN HELL PIRATES!!!!!!!!! WHY DO WE INNOCUOUS DOWNLOADERS HAVE TO SUFFER FOR YOUR WRONG DOINGS??????"
Anyway, no more deviations, back to the main topic :)
Yes....i've watched "PUSH"(Downloaded it:D)
I'll try to keep spoilers to a minimum :D
Ok, so, this movie is about people with weird psychic shit, e.g. TK (telekinesis), mind control, etc...
The titular ability of pushing isn't TK, a "pusher", has the ability to manipulate/control the thoughts & memories of others, enabling "pushers" to control the actions of others. When they do so, their pupils dilate, turning their eyes jet-black (think, the demons from "Supernatural")
Ok, now for an incomplete list of the types of psychics in "PUSH"
I'm not gonna spoil the movie any further for you guys, so, till next time, au revoir :)
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