Well, I watched the finale of Heroes Season 3, "An Invisible Thread" last Friday, & man, *spoiler alert* I sure as hell didn't expect Nathan to get murdered! (Hmmm I wonder who commited such an atrocity????), nor did I expect Slyar *another spoiler alert* to "die" (Enough said!!!!, go watch it to find out for yourself). As in the previous 3 seasons, there was a teaser of what the next season had in store for us at the end of the episode, it showed "Nathan" feeling at ease after adjusting the time of a clock that was 2 seconds faster/slower (I didn't really pay attention back then), those who've watched the past 2 seasons of Heroes should know by now that Gabriel Gray, used to fix clocks before he killed his first victim and took up the alias of Sylar (Hinting of Sylar's impending return, for those of you who are morons & don't get what that action of his implied). *lazy lazy lazy* Not gonna write any more, reason's pretty obvious ain't it :D BYE
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